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Alex Morris

Director // Writer // Producer

Hi I'm Alex, I am the Director, Co-Producer, and Co-Writer of the short film Moon in the Daytime. I started writing this story in May of 2021 and before pitching it in September.

I wanted to tell this story because it takes from my real life experience of growing up, being a six-feet tall black dancer who gets to have a solo for the first time. I believe it is important to show the different ways one deals with insecurities. Writing and directing this film gave me the chance to show another perspective of what that can look like. It is about finding that pathway that is unique to you.

In Moon in the Daytime, rather than conform and be something she will never be, Lexie chooses to march to the beat of her own drum.

I hope to continue to create and tell more diverse stories in the future!

Alex Morris
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